Tj hasn't been making the best choices lately, but when has he ever made good choices? He gets in a fight with some kid that stops by the house to see Alexia who recently turned 13. Alexia says they are just friends, she has no interest in dating at the moment. Tj doesn't care and thinks this kids HAS to be trying to take advantage of his little sister. Just because YOU would Tj doesn't mean every guy is like that!

Alexia turned 13 at the beginning of the round and has been focused on making friends. She brings home someone from school everyday! Her closest friends are Jade Martin and Lauren Appleberry.

The Lombardi parents sometimes make efforts to be involved with their children. Lindi and Norman gave Lindi a brand new stereo system for her birthday. Not to be outdone, Grandma Mary bought her a new pair of silver earrings. Alexia loves being a teenager, but Mary is already training her to be a cunning businesswoman. Mary decided it was better to have a backup heir, because she believe Tj will ruin everything that the Lomabrdis built.

While everyone is out of the house one Saturday, Tj invites a very willing Lauren Appleberry over. Tj knows she wants him as much as he wants her, and he really doesn't care that she's the same age as his sister and 2 and a half years younger than he is. This is the start of a very complicated and heartbreaking relationship...Maybe Mary is right about Tj and his destructive behavior.

Tj's best friend is Danny Martin. Mary thinks Danny is a good influence. Sure, he's a pleasure seeker, but he's also a budding businessman. Danny's taking over his grandparents flower shop after college. Plus, Danny sticks with one girlfriend!

At the end of the round, Connor celebrates his 13th birthday. He decides all he wants to do in life is have a happy family.
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