13 year old Lauren Appleberry loves being hot. She loves wearing makeup and looking older than she is. Most of all, Lauren Appleberry loves boys. She moves fast for the kids her age, she not only wants her first kiss, but she wants to make out! Other kids are happy just to be kissing at 13.

While taking a walk one night, Lauren meets a mysterious woman who seems to be a wanderer. The woman introduces herself and asks for directions to the nearest bar, and Lauren tells her there haven't been any bars built anywhere in the PC province yet. The woman smiles and nods her head. She begins to move on, but turns around and says something to Lauren.
" You will meet someone very soon that you will love more than life itself. He will not be good for you, and your life will be hard if you do not stay away from him. He has hair of fire, much like yours, and the face of a deceiver. Beware sweet girl, you are more fragile than you know. After so long, your heart will break." The lady then walks away, while Lauren stands there watching.
"What a nut. Must be an alcoholic. No wonder she was looking for a bar."

The next day Kirsti brings her good friend TJ Lombardi home from school. Lauren finds him intriguing, even though he's at least 3 years older than her. They talk and find that they have a lot of common interests. For example, they are both really interested in the opposite sex...

Kirsti isn't boy crazy like her sister, but she is crazy about a boy. Aaron McGraw and Kirsti Appleberry make it official, they've gone steady! This relationship looks strong, maybe it will continue. They're young so who really knows?

Lauren and TJ hang out a couple of times and find that they really like each other....so Lauren finally gets her first kiss, and she makes out with him too. She's smitten. TJ even told her that he has a girlfriend named Melanie, but Lauren really doesn't care. She says that she can share. For now anyway.
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