"Hola Kenya! I've missed you my love! Let me show you our new home..."
Kenya is excited to see the new home she'll live in with the love of her life, Carlos. She's getting her hopes up and picturing a cute little picket fenced house on the good side of Purity Creek. She obviously is from Vanity Ravine and hasn't realized that Purity Creek is not fully developed yet, all the families haven't moved in yet, all the neighborhoods being built by the government (especially the good hoods) haven't been finished and probably won't be for a few more years. So, she meets up with Carlos at the corner of Main street, because he doesn't have a car and he wanted to be there when she saw the house....

Kenya can't say she's entirely impressed. They live in a tiny trailer with two closets for bedrooms and its a little dirty and very plain. However, Kenya likes to look on the bright side...hopefully she'd find some new friends in Purity Creek and things wouldn't be so bad.

Unfortunately, Kenya has not had any luck finding friends. She just got a promotion in the military job that she HATES but is keeping until she and Carlos have a little more money to their name. Some nights she invites some of her coworkers back home with her, but that doesn't usually turn out well.
"What do you mean you don't like make-up!"
"Why would I like make-up lady! I'm a MAN!"

Some good news is that Carlos and Kenya made things completely official. It was a pretty big ceremony, well pretty big for the growing Purity Creek population..., and had 10 attendants. They had the wedding in the smallish yard of the trailer home, and it was pretty cramped. Kenya begins to realize she doesn't know what she got herself into....

But she knows it could be worse. Carlos treats her so well and she really does love him. This isn't the fairytale life, but its a pretty good one regardless.

And with the coming addition to this small family, life will either get better, or too stressful for Kenya to handle...
Poor Kenya, coming to grips with reality. I hope she will be happy.
I've played a few rounds ahead...I'm just a really really slow updater, but Kenya still struggles some with her life! You'll see that this round!
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