Gavin is growing and continues to be the cutest little boy around...in the opinion of the Bumbai family anyway. But we can't deny that Gavin is absolutely adorable. Gavin has taken after both his mother and his grandmother, and has a little bit of a mean streak, but like his father, he doesn't voice all of his opinions(which may be because his toddler vocabulary is limited), and he tries to be at least somewhat kind to most people.

Kartek and Ammi have been arguing alot lately. Matthew Appleberry has been "courting" since the Bumbai family moved to Purity Creek, and Ammi has done a great job at leading him on.
" Mother, you are hurting him! He's a good man! He wants to marry you, and why not? You know that neither of you have very much time left. Matt is a year older than Lucy McGraw and she passed away last week! Don't break his heart Mother."
" Matthew and I have an understanding Kartek, and that isn't your business. I love Matthew, but we don't want the same things. Matt is working on accepting this, why can't you?"
" He's hurting mother....I wish you'd stop being so unselfish!"
" You need to respect your mother Kartek!!! I'm not discussing this any further with you!"

Don't start thinking that Ammi and Kartek's argument was the most exciting thing that happened this round with the Bumbais! Ankara went into labor! Sam Willis, the only current doctor in the PC Province( Purity Creek suburb, City of Vanity Ravine, and soon the country town of Bluewater), was making his rounds in Purity Creek and was still at the hospital when Ammi and Kartek can rushing in with Ankara. She delivered a healthy baby girl that the proud parents named Raquel Lynn Bumbai.

While everyone else was obsessing over Raquel and Ankara, Kartek knew he had to get back to work. Ankara took care of the children with Ammi during the day when Kartek went to the bookstore. Obviously, preying unmarried young women would take the opportunity to steal the good-looking KarteK Bumbai away! Kartek had to politely refuse many women, but there was one frequent admirer named Daisy. Kartek worried he might need to get a restraining order, but he most feared that Ankara would find out about this poor girl who didn't know better.

Kartek brings these things on himself though! Lets face it, he's pretty hot. And he break dances. Lots of people are attracted to that kind of thing! Don't worry about Kartek cheating on Ankara though. They are still very much in love, and even though they bicker a lot, they have a lot of fun together

Despite knowing Ammi's ways, Matthew still doesn't give up. He comes around often to play with Gavin and hold Raquel, he plays Don't Wake the Llama with Ammi, Kartek, and Ankara, and he of course has nightly dates with Ammi, just so she knows that he really loves her. He wants her to know he'll wait forever for her to come around.

By the end of the round, Gavin turns 5, so he'll be ready for school next year. As for Raquel, she's getting bigger everyday. She has a thick mass of curly hair that her mother cuts off to manage. Ankara will let her start growing it out in a few more years, when she's Gavin's age. For now though, Rocky is fine with her hair short as long as her Papa plays with her!
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