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Bumbai- Blissfully blunt
Okay, I'm back! YAY! Sorry it's been awhile, my mom moved away and school started and along with school came cheerleading, so I've been doing a few hours of homework everyday, I've been practicing for cheer, oh and I've been doing stupid teenage girl things too so I've had no time to blog. Lucky for you, I played like 6 houses ahead so all my pics are taken for most of my families! Woo!
Back in Simcity, the Bumbai's had a reputation for being smart...and haughty. The reputation was well deserved with the exception of Kartek, the only child of Ammi, 3rd in command at the PC town coucil. Kartek loves his mother and wife but desperately wants them to sweeten up in their new community.
Ankara Bumbai has a dream. A dream that her new community will prosper and everyone will see each other, rich and poor, as equals...NOT! Ankara wants her family to be seen as practically royal. She wants to be the richest and most powerful of all the women in Purity Creek! Oh and she wants a lovely house and to pop out some kids, and she wants to grow old with Kartek. A rather strange woman she is...
Ankara's husband, Kartek, feels very differently about life. He wishes to learn everything he can in life. He and Ankara do feel the same way about having a family however.
Ammi doesn't want wealth or knowledge, or a big family even. Sure she's fine with having a few grandkids, as long as they don't cramp her style. Ammi wants men. And only a few days in town and she's seducing Matthew Appleberry!
Despite their differences, Ankara and Kartek are very much in love. Ammi often describes it as ying and yang, they are very different but can't live without the other. Ankara is blunt and mean for Kartek, while Kartek is understanding and nice for Ankara. Confusing maybe, but love is love all the same!
Kartek and Ankara open a bookstore/cafe/ hang out very soon after arriving to Purity Creek. Kartek isn't very outgoing, so he would be the cashier. Ankara was filled with character and would be the salesperson! Some people are a little put off by her though, she's a little aggressive at times...
Lets not forget about Ammi though! Kartek assigned her as the barista, a job Ammi thought to be for peasants. Once customers started rolling in though, Ammi discovers this is the perfect way to meet and seduce men. She may be aging, but no man can escape her wrath.
After a while, people warmed up to the Bumbai family. Kartek is happy that his wife and mother were not as rude as they had been in the big city, but little does he know that Ankara has become quite the gossip! She knows everyone in town and if there is a secret, Ankara knows about it! No one is free, not even Kartek.
Well, it wasn't long until Ankara discovers she is expecting. Ammi had said it was only a matter of time, the way those two went at it. She is constantly mentioning her son's sex life to the customers when the visited her little corner. It makes Kartek absolutely mad when he sees women giggling at him and eying him up and down. Ugh, his mother is so frustrating!
With time, Ankara gets bigger, and more loving of the little life inside her. She brags about her baby belly constantly, but she is also getting moodier with every passing day as well." And I can just tell that it's going to be a little girl! She's going look just like me and act just like me and she'll be perffect just like me! Don't you just wish you could-""Lady, I really don't care...""WHAT?!?!?!""I'll be going now...""Yeah I thought so."
Ammi continues to date Matthew Appleberry...and Abjiheet, and another fellow named Matthew. And the mailman. But she tells Matthew he was the only one for her. Ammi is desperately hoping he won't propose though, because then she'd have to turn him down, and then he'd hate her, which would be a shame because she loves his "company".
Kartek is taking on a new skill every week, and this week he was working on his fitness. He doesn't like working out much, but oh well. (I just HAD to add this pic! It's HILARIOUS!)
The closer Ankara gets to giving birth, the more tired she is. This baby is really wearing her out!
Finally the baby is here! Welcome baby Gavin Kartek Bumbai to the world. Kartek and Ankara are overyjoyed, but back to work the must go, while Ammi stays home and takes care of little Gavin.
Unfortunately, theres very little caring of Gavin while Ammi is home...This family is fun to play. I love Ankara and Ammi, they are two of my most favorite sims in this town so far. Ammi is never boring to play, she's constantly rolling wants to do innappropriate things with the two Matthews or Abjiheet. Ankara makes attempts at being nice, but her aggressive nature always gets the best of her, its great to play! I have a feeling little Gavin will be gorgeous.
1 comment:
That picture WAS hilarious! And wow, Ankara is quite the... uh, special lady. Yeah.
Hehe, the elder women always love them some romance, it seems!
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