Before you go OMG REALLY SUCKY PICS- The first few updates will have pics that suck hardcore, so sorry. But I've found a better way to take pics thanks to the all knowing mind of my mother so eventually my pics will be decent! So don't ditch me just yet!
The farmhouse Lucy McGraw, her son Marcus and his wife Anne, and her grandchildren 5 year old Aaron and 2 year old Ariel now live has been in the family of Lucy's late husband for 3 generations. When 'Mayor" Mary Lombardi offered Lucy a deed to a family business and a spot on the town council if she would willingly give up the land around the house, Lucy decided she couldn't pass up the opportunity that could give her family a better life.
Lucy often spends time with her granddaughter Ariel. She wants to teach Ariel about all kinds of things. Lucy hopes that Ariel will strive to know about everything, just like Lucy and her son Marcus. But who knows what the future holds?

Lucy knows that she should give up on Aaron being all about knowledge and wisdom. Its not that he isn't a smart boy, because he is very bright, its just that he has other priorities.

Right now his priorities seem to include befriending all of the girls his age in Purity Creek...

As mentioned earlier, Lucy loves knowledge. She loves to spend her time reading books, and since Marcus and Anne run the family farm, she has lots and lots of time to read. But she can't forget about the new responsibilities she has now.

Ah, yes. new responsibilities. Such as the grocery store Lucy and Marcus opened up. McGraw Produce. The store is in her name, but she lets Marcus run it for the most part. He acts as a salesmen and restocks the store while she mans the cash register. That blasted cash register, how Lucy hates it! Its like the thing is possessed, crashing into her plump belly every time she opens it. Manning the cash register with all its buttons and beeping noises was the only thing Lucy has trouble learning how to do. So, naturally, she really despises that darn cash register!

Lucy's daughter-in-law Anne doesn't usually run the store with Marcus and Lucy. She stays home and fishes. Lucy thinks she is a pretty good fisherwoman, and that probably wasn't expected from someone as beautiful as she is, but what did Lucy know? She'd never seen anyone as special as Anne until Marcus returned from college with her. Anne does have some flaws though. She liked to wander around the family property in just her undies! That was too much Anne for Lucy to handle, but for the most part she loves Anne just like she would her own daughter.

Well, Lucy knew it wouldn't be long before another grandchild was added to her name. Anne discovered she was pregnant a few days before Ariel's 5th birthday. Marcus was excited and so were the kids, and Lucy was rather indifferent about it. She loved her family very much, but there was a point when a knowledge aspirer ,like herself, was surrounded by too many children. Though she thought this now, Lucy knew she'd adore the child once it was born.

Ariel grew into a stunning little girl. Shes a carbon copy of her mother. Marcus was not exactly pleased when he realized this though. He knew the boys would be all over her when she reached teendom. Lucy noticed that Ariel liked making friends. She still didn't mind reading with her grandmother or learning either. Lucy is not sure on how she will turn out, but she knows that Ariel will grow into a wonderful young lady.

Anyway, Lucy thinks her life is going pretty well for the most part. She still hates that retched cash register, but she is getting better at learning how to use it. She'd rather be reading than dealing with the stupidity of the odd customers she gets, like this police officer who wanted to show off his juggling abilities to his friend. But Lucy can deal with it, because she knows it will all be worth it someday. Marcus would make this store great! For now though, things were just pleasant.
** I really like this family. Ariel is my favorite so far, but Lucy isn't far behind her! I have more pics for them, but I knew this post be a long one and I didn't want to bore any of you with my lame long post.
1 comment:
Ooh, I loved having a farmhouse in my last hood. I had huge fields (gardens) so that it actually took the better part of a day to plant/etc. Lots of fun.
This family seems to be off to a good start, hopefully they can keep going. And don't worry about the pictures, when you just start doing this stuff, it takes a bit to figure out. I don't even want to look at my old pictures...
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