I don't know when the next time I'll update is because my mother is moving away to California to go to law school. You might know her, she calls herself Gethane online I think. Well anyway my pics should be getting better soon.

Juan and Carmen Hernandez have always been kind and generous people. They're the kind of people to always help someone in need, and that's probably why Juan and Carmen let Juan's younger brother, Carlos, live with them, since he is pretty much a failure in life. Juan and Carmen decided that Purity Creek would be the perfect place to raise their twin daughters, Catalina and Daniella, and the free deed to a business sounded good too!

"We've only been here a few days, and they already seem to think I'm their maid!" Carlos Hernandez does not like the situation he's in. He does NOT like his brother Juan, he does NOT like living in someone else's home, and he certainly does NOT like cleaning up after his brother and his family. However, Carlos is grateful that his brother has given him a place to sleep, and a job at Juan's new restaurant, La Comida Buena.

Juan Hernandez is pretty happy currently. He's opened a restaurant, which has been pretty successful despite it not being open very long. He has two very beautiful girls, and is thinking of having more children in the near future, and he's married to the most gorgeous woman anyone has ever laid eyes on! Juan doesn't care much for his brother Carlos, but at least he cleans up and helps around the restaurant.

Carmen is a very kind and beautiful woman. She takes great care with everything she does, and cares about people she hardly even knows. It was Carmen who convinced Juan to let Carlos stay with them while he gets his feet on the ground, because she simply can't let someone not go without a good home!

Daniella is the oldest of the twins. She's only somewhat outgoing, and likes the company of boys. Already she's starting to dress to old for her age. Dani seems pretty happy most of the time, but other times its obvious that she feels jealous of her sister.

Catalina is a perfect child. She's incredibly outgoing and adorable. Of course Juan and Carmen adore and spoil both of the girls equally, but other people just seem to gravitate towards Catty. Even Uncle Carlos is enchanted by her charms.

At the restaurant, Carlos has been working very hard. He does everything his brother asks him to and is really polite with the customers. He gets tipped often! But Carlos doesn't want to work for his brother forever. What he really wants is to get married and have a family of his own.

Lately, Carlos has been thinking that the woman he has been dating lately, Kenya, would make a very good wife. He likes he very much, and Carlos thinks that maybe she likes him alot too.

As luck would have it, Kenya does like Carlos as much as he likes her, they just have very different priorities. Carlos isn't sure exactly what Kenya wants in life, but he has plans to find out soon.

Carmen discovers that she and Carlos would soon be parents again! She was so happy, but this baby certainly was making her really sick and extremely hungry.

Carlos continues to excell at Juan's restaurant. Even with the two newly hired girls, customers request to be served by him. His tips add up to $400 or more every night! He almost has enough saved up for a trailer, and he has just enough saved for a ring...

Carmen's pregnancy is progressing. She seems to big to just be carrying one baby. She and Juan plan to visit a doctor in Pleasantview in a few days because the hospital in Vanity Ravine isn't quite finished yet, and Pleasntview isn't too terribly far.

Carlos proposes to Kenya, and she accepts and acts very happy about it, but Carlos can tell that she isn't entirely happy. She had said a few months earlier that she had no plans on getting married anytime soon, but Carlos had discarded her words because she hadn't loved him yet. Now he wonders is Kenya is ready for this kind of commitment...only time will tell.

Carmen is carrying twins again! This makes Juan incredibly nervous, because although they have plenty of money from the restaurant so far, hes afraid that they won't have enough money or space for 4 kids at the same time. Catty and Dani are estatic beause now there will be 2 new babies to play with! Carmen is happy, but at the same time very tired. She nows this will only worsen when the twins are born though.

Carlos has decided to move out. He needs to tell his brother though before he does.
"Juan, I proposed to Kenya the other night, and she said yes."
" Thats wonderful Carlos! I'm very happy for you."
"Thanks Carmen. Anyway, Juan I have to move out. You need the room for the twins anyway, although I imagine you'll be moving soon anyway with all the money you've been making. I do have one more favor to ask you though."
"Dios mio...."
"I'm asking if I can keep my job Juan."
"Oh, of course!" So, Juan moves out, and just in time too!

Carmen gives birth to twin boys this time. Welcome babies Francisco and Pablo to the world!
So my pics got better! Well, I think they're better. And I admit I'm kind of lame for switching to the better pics half way through the post, but oh well. This family is a bit boring, I'm hoping that will change.
Whoa, I didn't know your mother was Gethane! I met her awhile ago on a forum. I hope she enjoys Law School. :D
Twins again?? Yikes! Were they natural or cheesecake-induced? Good thing Carlos is leaving, that house would be packed.
Surprisingly, the twins are natural! I was super shocked, I was hoping for just one baby.
The pictures do look better!
Wow, you've got a full house there! Even without Carlos.
Great start here, I'll be checking back :)
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