Ooooooooooookay, so something awful has happend. The pictures I took for the next 5 families we not saved. I do have 1 picture of each though. So you will not be meeting them yet. I'll give you a basic rundown of what happend during their rounds so you will be all caught up.

This is Patty Willis, my favorite sim EVER! Seriously! Anyway, Patty and her brothers( Sammy and Michael(Mickey)) moved to PC after their alchoholic dad kicked the bucket and left them enough money for Patty to live her dream; the dream of being a baker. Michael is the more serious of the group, with Patty being the wild child and Sammy being the hippy. He gets a job in the law career. All three start dating, Sammy settling on one girl, Michael on 2 and Patty dates many men. She gets a little careless and winds up pregnant by a man named Richard Beckett. Anyway before all that, the business was having a slow start. They got a bad review, and only made it to level 4 or 5. Sometime between discovering Patty was pregnant and Richard moving in, Patty, Richard, and Michael all moved out of the little trailer and left it to Sammy.

This is Yu Cho. Yu came over from Desderata Valley with his family when he married his half islander wife, Kai. They started a clothing shop(that quickly reached level 10) and did very well for themselves. Kai discovered a few days into their living in PC that she was expecting, and birthed a son(whose name I cannot remember at this exact moment 0_0). Yu's parents are still very much in love with each other and are all over each other at all time, and while Kai and Yu love each other very much, they're just very career oriented. Well, Kai is, Yu would rather spend time with his family.

This is May and Ivan Appleberry. May moved to PC with her 3 kids and husband to take care of her father.( Ivan chose to take May's last name when they married because her father had no other children) They run a toy shop, which is my personal favorite establishment. Their oldest daughter Kirsti aspires to have many friends and is always on the phone. May is pregnant again but hasn't given birth, and Matthew(May's dad) is having 'relations' with Ammi Bumbai.

The old guy here is Denny Martin( he's talking to Michael Willis). Denny is a guy who wants to know everything(...about romance). He's been married and surprisingly faithful to his wife of 37 years, Sylvie. They had one daughter, Darcie, but she overdosed on bubbles and died. That left her 3 children(2 teens 1 kid) to live with their grandparents. Denny and Sylvie run a flower/gift shop. Daniel Martin(oldest teen) loves romance, and has befriended town lothario Theodore James(TJ) Lombardi. Miley Martin(second oldest teen) is bound for knowledge, wealth, and general greatness. And Jade(child), well Jade is adorable.

This here is Lindi Lombardi. Wife of Norman, daughter in law of Mayor Mary Lombardi, mother to TJ, Alexia Jane, and Connor Lucas Lombardi. Lindi is a pleasure seeker, but(to her dismay) also molds very well into the shape of a housewife. She hasn't voiced her feelings yet but I'm sure she'll go crazy sooner of later. Norman and Mary run the bank(which is doing pretty well) Mary is also running another 'business'(MAFIA) and has 'employees all over PC'. Mary added a secret VIP room onto the bank where only people she has given permission to can get in. This is the room when she discusses her plans as the mob boss and also where she gives people 'offers they can't refuse.' TJ is going to inherit all this one day, but Mary thinks he's an idiot and would much rather see Alexia Jane take over.
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