My father, who isn't very technologically saavy..., got a new computer awhile ago. This sims were gone! When my mom came back over the holidays, she was able to restore my downloads, but my sims and pics are just gone! Don't fret though! I'm starting over with a NEW neighborhood called Daylight Falls, a little beach area. I've been reading some more blogs lately, and I like what I see. I'm going to try having the characters narrate like Sullivan entries, and maybe try a profile from each character too, but I don't think that I'll really get to that.'s the link to my new blog:
^^There isn't anything there yet, but within the next few days I'm hoping to at least get the families up!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Monday, November 23, 2009
Beckett/Willis(2)- All We Are

Kaylee Ariah is a big girl now and is at the top of her kindergarten class. She's a very happy go lucky and smart girl, who happens to know how to get what she wants. 13 year old Kaleb doesn't always like that fact...

Richard has been working hard to earn a living for his family, whether or not his wife appreciates it. However, he hardly spends time with her and she becomes lonely during the day. Maybe that explains the local rumors about the very very young gardener entering the house while no one is home...

13 year old Kaleb shot up like a tree this past year, and has discovered he is very interested in girls. His latest ( and probably only) conquest is named Kaylynn, and sometimes Kaleb thinks she's crazy! She's very sociable and "out there", but she and Kaleb have the same interest...kissing! It hasn't happened quite yet, but Kaleb is thinking he'll have her under his belt by the end of the year...or will it be the other way around?

Kaylee had been making loads of friends this year, and her best friend happens to be Allison Cho, who is expected to be the town trouble maker when she gets older. Kaylee stays out of her crazy plans though, like sticking a tack under the teacher's seat, or stealing marbles at recess. Sometimes though, Allison can convince Kaylee to join her charades.

Over at Michael's house, little Amethyst is approaching her 4th birthday. Michael thinks his daughter is the most precious thing to walk the earth, and he doesn't realize how mean she can be to the other little kids at the local playground or when she has play dates...

Amethyst hits 4 and starts Pre-K. Marylena has been getting notes from the teacher about Amethyst's aggressiveness, but she hopes its just a phase. After all, Amethyst seems perfectly lovely at home. Who knows what the future will bring?
haven't posted in a long time, I've been pretty busy. But I'm going to try to get around to it more often I promise! My story writing skills are still...developing...but my pictures aren't very good in these rounds and i don't have much to work with. However, that will hopefully change in a couple of rounds. I've played sooooo far ahead and so many families have come into play. I should probably figure out a way to decrease the population of my hood, but I like the diversity! Rounds nowadays take FOREVER though. Also, ages are still gonna be messed up for awhile, sorry about that! I think I mentioned them being right at least by round 11? But they might have evened out sooner than that, I'm not sure.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Hernandez(2)- Wake Up

Kenya has been feeling pretty ill lately, but not the normal kind of ill. This is the "I'm pregnant" kind of ill. Kenya visited the doctor only to confirm her thoughts, Kenya is indeed pregnant, and will be due at the end of the round!

Since Kenya is busy puking her guts out, Carlos takes care of little Cruz, who happens to be growing up faster than his parents could have imagined. He's only months away from being pre-school aged, and while Kenya and Carlos miss the baby Cruz, they'll be thankful that he's in school when the new baby is born.

As Doctor Willis stated, Kenya went into labor near the end of the round. A little earlier actually, Kenya must have gotten pregnant earlier than expected!

Cecilia Corazon is a healthy baby girl who looks just like her dad! Welcome to the neighborhood Cecilia!

Cruz is ready to start preschool now, and he's old enough to play with his cousins! Well...he's old enough to be babysat by his cousins anyway.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Martin-Girls Just Wanna Have Fun***Lombardi-Nothing new

Jade Martin is the only kid left at the homestead this year while her brother and sister attend SSU. She's a social butterfly and hosts parties just about every week.

Like most parties, there is just a lot of innocent fun like gossiping and dancing. Boys come every now and then and the kids flirt and sometimes a few will get their first kiss or make-out, but it never goes farther than that, because Mr. and Mrs.Matin are right upstairs in their bedroom most of the time. They chaperone from a distance.

Maybe they should keep a closer eye on Jade and her friends because lately they've been getting into some not-so-innocent things like drinking. Lauren Appleberry started this whole drinking nonsense and of course Jade and the other kids went along with it. Lauren didn't mean for it to happen, she was just upset about something that happened with TJ and Melanie that day and she wanted to relax. Hopefull Jade can tone down the drinking before she gets in serious trouble.

The Lombardis are pretty peaceful(boring) since TJ left for college. The kids go to school and hardly ever have their friends over and Mary lays low, working with the mob behind the scenes.

Lately Norman and Lindi have been all over each other. Alexa and Connor are grossed out and Mary is hoping they don't have another baby. All in all, it was a very boring round for them
Appleberry-All Fall Down

Christian Appleberry is a bright boy, he is incredibly talented and friendly with everyone. His siblings absolutely adore him, none of them ever pick on him. He has many friends at school and he almost always has a playmate. Chris's pleasantness might be the thing that holds his family together in the coming days...

The twins are doing pretty well in school this year. Lauren is still "seeing" that Lombardi boy, but mostly behind her parents back. They do not approve of the relationship. AJ Lombardi and her parents don't know that Lauren and TJ have been seeing each other, but some people think that TJ's longtime girlfriend, Melanie, suspects something.

Matthew passed away recently. His family was very upset, and his death especially took a toll on May. She went into a rather deep depression, and she had to go into "special care" for a few weeks. She was an absolute wreck without her father, but Ivan is helping her cope.
Matthew Vincent Appleberry leaves behind his only daughter and 4 grandchildren. He was loved by many and was truly a very pleasant person. Rest in Peace Matthew, may your memory live on in your family.
*All Fall Down- OneRepublic
Cho-Look After You

Tsung Cho has been rather lonely since his wife's untimely death last year, and maybe not in the way you are thinking! Tsung really just wants a friend, he doesn't necessarily want another love. He believe that Ming was probably the only woman who would truly have his heart. He has befriended the 18 year old, troubled gardener Erica. He has tea with her after she finishes her work everyday. Tsung discovers that Erica has been on her own since she was 14, and she currently is couch-hopping between friend's houses. Tsung doesn't believe that this is appropriate for a young woman.

While Tsung befriends the help, the other family members have other ways of coping with their grief. Kai has been working on getting her body in shape, and she is almost always working out. Yu works on his chess game, thirteen year old Andrew works on his academics and his soccer skills, and Allison copes by torturing other children.

Tsung can't stand the idea of Ericka bouncing from house to house, so he offers to share his room with her. He already sold his double bed and got 2 twins instead. He promises he doesn't snore too loudly or talk in his sleep, and she can always have first dibs on the bathroom that connects to their room. He really feels as though Ericka is another child of his and he wants her to live in a safe appropriate environment.

Tsung probably should've spent a little more time getting to know Ericka before asking her to move in, or at least he should have set some ground rules. Ericka loves to bring in many lovers when the kids are at school, and she walks around in her underwear at all hours of the night! Tsung may be in for more trouble than he asked for!
note- From now on, a lot, if not all, the titles of the posts will be songs. They might be random, they might fit what happens in the story, it will be whatever I feel like at the time. I'm actually playing through round 10 right now, so I'm obviously a little behind. I'm gonna try to put at least 2 updates up a week, but I'm starting school in mid-august so I'll be pretty busy. Well, I'm gonna try anyway! Happy Simming!
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sam and Caryl Willis have been happily married and settled into their little hom for about a year now, so it's no surprise that Caryl seems to be experiencing the early signs of pregnancy. Caryl can't be entirely sure, but she's 99.9% positive she's pregnant.

Even with her sureness, Carly was surprised when she woke up one morning and noticed how big she had gotten. It seemed like she had started showing overnight!

Sam was thrilled about the baby on the way. He was acting as Caryl's doctor, alon with his husband/father responsibilities. There was something about the idea of delivering his own baby that appealed to him.

As Caryl's pregnancy progressed, discussion of the life of the child became an everyday thing. Caryl's latest ultrasound revealed that she was having a baby girl.
" I hope she likes art or music or something that gets her creative juices flowing!" Caryl mentions one night at dinner.
"You know, I think I'll be perfectly happy with whatever our baby decides to do, as long as she goes to college and makes something of herself." Sam was very serious about his children getting educated, and Caryl nodded her head in agreement. The couple have decided to name their baby girl Jeannette.
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