Jade Martin is the only kid left at the homestead this year while her brother and sister attend SSU. She's a social butterfly and hosts parties just about every week.

Like most parties, there is just a lot of innocent fun like gossiping and dancing. Boys come every now and then and the kids flirt and sometimes a few will get their first kiss or make-out, but it never goes farther than that, because Mr. and Mrs.Matin are right upstairs in their bedroom most of the time. They chaperone from a distance.

Maybe they should keep a closer eye on Jade and her friends because lately they've been getting into some not-so-innocent things like drinking. Lauren Appleberry started this whole drinking nonsense and of course Jade and the other kids went along with it. Lauren didn't mean for it to happen, she was just upset about something that happened with TJ and Melanie that day and she wanted to relax. Hopefull Jade can tone down the drinking before she gets in serious trouble.

The Lombardis are pretty peaceful(boring) since TJ left for college. The kids go to school and hardly ever have their friends over and Mary lays low, working with the mob behind the scenes.

Lately Norman and Lindi have been all over each other. Alexa and Connor are grossed out and Mary is hoping they don't have another baby. All in all, it was a very boring round for them
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