Daniel has been helping out at the flower shop lately. He's the only kid to take an interest in it so far so naturally, his grandparents make him help out. He's great at selling things. Sylvie, his grandmother, thinks he has a way with words. Well, whatever it is it doesn't look like Kai Cho is buying it!

The Martins moved to a really nice apartment this past year. Even with new surroundings though, Jade can't seem to get over her mother's death. I was just over a year and a half ago now, today would've been her mother's birthday.

Jade has been making progress, and she even was feeling happy enough to have a birthday party! That's right folks, little Jade has grown up into a lovely young woman! She has dreams of being the best reporter in Purity Creek! Or Vanity Ravine...or Bluewater! She can't make up her mind where she wants to live quite yet, but she knows that wherever she is she wants lots and lots of friends.
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