The Lombardi children have been experimenting in music lately, under the influence of their very musical mother. Alexia Jane seems to have a knack for singing, while Connor likes to play the piano. TJ, ever the black sheep, does not participate in music. Instead he focuses on other things...like cheating on his long time girlfriend Melanie.

Mary is visited by members of her mob at all hours of the night. They've been working their hardest on recruiting new members from all walks of life. Mary is an equal opporotunity employer, and is a believer in 2nd chances...as long as you are willing to do whatever it takes to get a second chance.

Connor is a bright and quiet boy. He doesn't have any friends besides his lovely older sister. Wherever she goes, he goes. Unless of course she's going somewhere while he plays his piano.

TJ takes his younger brother and sister to the park one day. Mary of course was suspicious, but Lindi defended her eldest son, saying he loved his siblings and wanted to do something nice for them. While TJ does love his brother and sister, he knew Mary wouldn't let him leave the house to go meet a "friend" of his...Melanie comes from good money, and is an orphan, meaning her whole fortune will belong to the Lombardi's when they marry. Mary is not willing to risk that fortune on her grandson'n escapades.

Lindi should start getting suspicious of her eldest child. He is uncontrollable...you never know what kind of trouble he could get into. Mary is glad he will be leaving for college in just a few short years and she won't have to keep a constant watch on him. In some ways she wishes she could go along, to make sure he stays away from one of his latest "friends", the very young Lauren Appleberry....