Samuel Willis is living on his own. He's the youngest of the Willis Clan, and this is the first time in his life he's ever been on his own. Even in college, he was living with Michael and another roomate of his. Sammy doesn't mind being alone though, it was bound to happen sometime.

Sam quickly befriends the other tenants in his apartment building. His most frequent visits go to Miss Vamsi, a lovely widow who is very motherly. She hadn't had any children herself, because her husband hadn't ever wanted any before he died. She discovered 10 years after his death that he'd had an affair with his secretary and had a son in Sim City. Samuel loves hearing about Miss Vamsi's stories(not all of them are sad).

Samuel is currently an intern at St. Peter Hospital in Vanity Ravine. It's still being built in some places and needs improvement in others, but of course, Sam doesn't mind. As long as he has a job in the medical feild he's very satisfied. He hopes to get a job as a pediatrician at the newly built St. Patrick Hospital in Purity Creek.

Sam has been dating his girlfriend Caryl on and off for a year and half now, almost as long as he's been in Purity Creek. She's a detective in Vanity Ravine, and very successful. Caryl is a few years younger than Sam and very accomplished. Sam's indifferent about her being more accomplished though. He never was the type to fuss over such things. Sam and Caryl sent out their wedding announcement last week, and they'll be moving from Sam's cruddy apartment to Caryl's little house in Vanity Ravine.
I'm glad Willis has a girlfriend to move in with, especially since she has a house. I was getting worried about him at first, lol.
Yeah I'm glad Sam finally has a girlfriend too! When I was hooking up his brother and sister I tried finding someone for him but no one seemed to work for him. He found Caryl downtown after he moved into his apartment. She was the diva.
She was, really? Odd...Do you think they'll start a family, or is she temporary?
Yeah I think they'll start a family. Sam is a one girl kind of guy, I think....I guess we'll see what happens with his wants.
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