Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Welcome to Purity Creek..

Hello! I'm Kayla, and I'm really really really new at this, so bear with me please. Anyway, let me introduce you to Purity Creek (no pics yet, but upcoming posts will have some I promise!)

I started my prosperity with eight families, each owning a store, and each having a motive to move to PC.

McGraw family- 1 elder, 2 adults, 1 child.
McGRAW PRODUCE( grocery store)

Hernandez family- 3 adults, 2 children
LA COMIDA BUENA(restaurant)

Bumbai family- 1 elder, 2 adults
BUMBAI BOOKS(bookstore)

Willis family- 3 adults

Cho family- 2 elders, 2 adults
CHO'S TAILOR SHOP(clothing store)

Appleberry family-1 elder, 2 adults,1 teen, 2 children

Martin family- 2 adults, 2 teens, 1 child
FABULOUS FLOWERS(flower and gift shop)

Lombardi family- 1 elder, 2 adults, 1 teen, 1 child, 1 toddler

So, these are the founding families. You'll meet them sooner or later.

As for how I'm going to play, I only have a few rules, and I'll probably only be strict on a few. I have all the rules, laws, and statements set up into 4 groups so far and these groups are, education; careers; money; businesses

Rules/laws/statements on EDUCATION:
-All schooling will be from Purity Creek Public Schooling, or Vanity Raving Private Schooling
*private schooling will have a sponsor
+sponsor is ALWAYS someone from the elder council
+sponsor is ALWAYS a knowledge sim
*parents with children in private schooling will send the sponsor $400 per child a week.
-Teens wishing to attend college must have an 8 point minimum in at least 3 skills AND have a want to go
Rules/laws/statements on CAREERS
-Only college educated sims may have the following careers
*Medical *Intelligence
*Science *Business
*Education *Paranormal
-Only half of the population will have the opportunity to have a maxis job. The others must own a business; work in someone else's business; nanny, garden, or maid for another family; farm; date for gifts; be a stay at home spouse; write novels or do artwork
Rules/laws/statements on MONEY
-All families pay 10% of the money they have in their bank account to the bank.
-The bank must pay 3% interest to everyone once every season.
-Families with live0in help MUST pay the person 10% of whatever the family has in their bank account when the help moves out.
-Families must give starter money to their adult children NOT living at home. This is the only time parents are required to give money to their children.
Rules/laws/statements on BUSINESSES
-One family can own up to 5 businesses
-Each business may have 6 employees counting the manager

So, thats what I have for now. I have one family played through, and as soon as I figure out my picture problem I'll work on updating!


Mao said...

Hey there! I caught a hit from my stat counter and here I am. I really like your rules, I wish I had set up something like that before I started BS... but I tend to do things first, think second, LOL. Can't wait to see what you come up with. :)

kayrababy said...

Thanks! I only half-assed my plans, and they're pretty much all a mess and that drives me crazy, but oh well. I'm just sort of going with the flow as of now.